Lesson outline

    1. Welcome to DLU

    2. DLU Culture Presentation

    3. Texas Cosmetology Licenses

    4. DLU Programs

    5. DLU Scholarship Opportunities

    6. DLU Student Testimonial

    7. Learn about the Texas State Lash Exam

    1. Textured Lash Application

    2. Practical Exam Tutorial

    3. Business Success Lesson: The importance of aftercare

    4. Post Cleanse Tutorial

    1. DLU Tuition

    2. Complete your mini-app!

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

How to enroll in the sample lesson

1. Click "Enroll for free"
2. Create an account
3. The free lesson will be available right away!
4. You can always come back, using your login details. The sample course is available for 60 days.